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Garamagaram Batate Vade - Hot Potato Vade (Batata vada, batata vada recipe, Batata bhaji, batata vada recipe in marathi, batata bhaji recipe, batata vada pav, batata vada recipe marathi, batata vada mumbai, batata vada chutney, batata vada in marathi, batata vade recipe, Vada pav, Vada Pav Chutney, vada pav recipe, vada pav images, mumbai vada pav, mumbai vada pav recipe. vada pav bhaji, potato vada, potato vada pav, potato vada images, What is Batata Vada called in English?, Is Batata Vada good for health?, mahrashtrian batata vada recipe, batata vada recipe | mumbai style, batata vada recipe ingredients)

Garamagaram Batate Vade

Garamagaram Batate Vade - Hot Potato Vade (Batata vada, batata vada recipe, Batata bhaji, batata vada recipe in marathi, batata bhaji recipe, batata vada pav, batata vada recipe marathi, batata vada mumbai, batata vada chutney, batata vada in marathi, batata vade recipe, Vada pav, Vada Pav Chutney, vada pav recipe, vada pav images, mumbai vada pav, mumbai vada pav recipe. vada pav bhaji, potato vada, potato vada pav, potato vada images, What is Batata Vada called in English?, Is Batata Vada good for health?, mahrashtrian batata vada recipe, batata vada recipe | mumbai style, batata vada recipe ingredients)
Garamagaram Batate Vade

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गरमागरम बटाटे वडे या पदार्थावरील ब्लॉग मराठीमध्ये वाचा

Information About Dish :

Garamagaram Batate Vade (Hot Potato Vade) is very famous not only in Kokan Region or only in Maharashtra Region or only in India but all over the world and most everyone likes Batate Vade or Potato Vade very much. In fact, Batate Vade or Potato Vade is a number one and great tasting quality dish that is very famous in Mumbai. Even hearing the name Batate Vade or Potato Vade, many people's mouths immediately water. Potato Vade are prepared in different ways in most parts of the world, and the taste of potato vade varies from place to place. The method of making potato vade is also different in each place. Batate Vade or Potato Vade are eaten with paava or bread and chutney in some places, while in other places Batate Vade are made to be eaten with Usal or Katachi Aamti. Batate Vade or Potato Vade are very easy dish to make and this dish is also very famous in Kokan Region. In most places in Kokan, small and large breakfast restaurants can be seen in the markets or food streets, where Batate Vade or Potato Vade is widely prepared as it is a popular dish among many people. We can relish the Batate Vade or Potato Vade with Vatanyachi or Chanyachi Usal or with different dishes like Katachi Aamti or Kat Vada. Batate Vade or Potato Vade are also very famous in Kokan and In Ganesh Festival this dish is made with special interest as a special treat for Bhajan Mandalis.

Speciality :

Everyone knows the specialty of Garamagaram Batate Vade or Hot Potato Vade because this dish is a favorite of most people and it is very famous all over Maharashtra. Hot Potato Vade can be made at home in summer, monsoon, winter or even any season. During the winter season, Hot Potato Vade and tea is a favorite treat of many people. That is why the main feature of this dish is to enjoy it to your heart's content. To prepare Batate Vade or Potato Vade, it requires a yellow vegetable made from boiled potatoes and it is a very quick vegetable, so once the vegetable is prepared, it doesn't take much time to make hot Potato Vade. Potato Vade or Batate Vade are more fun to eat when hot, this dish can be enjoyed with Hot Chutney, Sweet Chutney or Coconut Chutney or Ghati Masala or Tomato Sauce as per your liking.

Ingredients :

1) Oil
2) Mustard Seeds
3) Cumin Seeds
4) Eight To Ten Curry Leaves
5) Finely Chopped Half Piece Of Ginger
6) Five To Six Finely Chopped Garlic Cloves
7) Seven To Eight Finely Chopped Green Chillies
8) Turmeric
9) Salt
10) Ten To Twelve Potatoes
11) Water
12) Cilantro
13) Gram Flour
14) Baking Soda

Procedure :

1) To prepare Garamagaram Batate Vade or Hot Potato Vade it requires to make Ukadlelya Batatyanchi Piwali Bhaji or Yellow Vegetable Made From Boiled Potatoes first, wash ten to twelve potatoes with water, so that the soil on the skin of the potatoes will wash away. Then cut the potatoes into two equal parts and turn on the gas and place a large vessel on it. Add enough water to easily sink all these potatoes in vessel. Then add these washed potatoes in this vessel. Let all these potatoes for boiling up to 15 minutes on high flame. After 15 minutes, jab a fork spoon vertically in the potato to make sure that the potatoes are cooked well or not. If the spoon goes inside the potatoes, we can make assured that the potatoes are cooked properly. Then turn off the gas and carefully remove the hot water from the vessel. When the potatoes have cooled then peel the skin of potatoes. Because the skin of the cooled potatoes peels off quickly, so that the task of peeling of the potatoes will be quicker.
2) To make the vegetable, first cut the boiled and peeled potatoes into equal size pieces with the help of a knife in a large plate. Once the boiled potatoes are cut into equal sized pieces, then the task of making the yellow vegetable from boiled potatoes becomes very easy.
3) Then turn on the flame of a gas and put a big vessel over it. When the vessel is well heated, add ten to twelve teaspoons of oil, then over low flame, add half a teaspoon of mustard seeds. After frying mustard seeds properly in oil, the scent of mustard seeds will waft. Then add half a teaspoon of cumin seeds and eight to ten curry leaves. Add finely chopped half piece of ginger, five to six finely chopped garlic cloves and also add seven to eight finely chopped green chillies immediately after frying mustard seeds, cumin seeds and curry leaves. After frying all the bursting properly, the light aroma of ginger, garlic and spicy taste of green chillies will waft. 
4) Immediately after this, add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and equal sized pieces of boiled potatoes to this bursting.
5) After that add salt to taste and fry all the vegetable properly so that all the bursting, turmeric and salt will be right everywhere to the potatoes. Next, over a low flame, cover the vessel and cook the potato vegetable for 10 to 15 minutes, as it does not take long to cook the potato vegetable over steam. 
6) Because of boiled potatoes do not add any water to the vegetables for cooking. This vegetable cooks quickly on steam and due to this all the ingredients in bursing and salt are mixed right everywhere to the potato vegetable properly. After ten to fifteen minutes, carefully open the lid of the vessel and now you can see that the vegetable will waft a pleasant aroma. When the potatoes are cooked through, turn off the gas and then add some finely chopped cilantro over the vegetable.
7) In this way, in ten to fifteen minutes, the hot, delicious because of green chillies and tasty yellow vegetable made from boiled potatoes once got ready then let cool down the vegetable for three to four minutes. After the vegetable cools down, apply some oil on the palm of your hand and make round balls of this vegetable with your hands.
8) Then take a vessel and add two bowls of gram flour or as required, add a pinch of baking soda, salt to taste and then mix all these ingredients well, then add water approximately little by little and again stir this mixture well. While making the gram flour mixture, be careful not to make it too thin or too thick.
9) Then turn on the gas and place a large cauldron on it, add oil to fry the potato vade as needed, turn the gas to medium flame and let the oil to be heated. When the oil gets heated, then reduce the gas to low flame. Mix the prepared potato vegetable balls in this gram flour mixture so that the mixture get applied to the balls. Then drop three to four balls at a time in this oil very carefully. Keep moving the vade gently with the help of a jhara (spoon), this will fry the vade very well in the oil. After the potato vade are fried on one side, then fry on the other side and when they turn reddish brown in color, strain the oil with the help of a strainer or spoon and take them out in a plate.
10) In this way, fry the remaining Potato Vade well in oil. So, Hot Potato Vade will be ready to be eaten with paav or with hot chutney or sauce as per your liking.

Taste :

Hot, Tasty, Yummy And Tangy