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Sabudane Vade - Vade Made From Sago ( sago vada, sabudana vada recipe, sabudana vada recipe in marathi, sabudana vada recipe maharashtrian style, sabudana vada chutney, Is Sabudana Vada healthy?)

Sabudane Vade

Sabudane Vade - Vade Made From Sago ( sago vada, sabudana vada recipe, sabudana vada recipe in marathi, sabudana vada recipe maharashtrian style, sabudana vada chutney, Is Sabudana Vada healthy?)
Sabudane Vade

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साबुदाणे वडे या पदार्थावरील ब्लॉग मराठीमध्ये वाचा

Information About Dish :

Sabudane Vade (Vade Made From Sago) is a dish that almost everyone knows and it is definitely a favorite of everyone. Sabudane Vade is a famous dish in our Kokan and is specially prepared on fasting days and the method of making Sabudane Vade is very simple in Kokan region. Along with Sabudane Vade, Sabudanyachi Khichadi, Sabudanyachi Kheer are also very famous fast food in Kokan region and these dishes are also very popular. On the day of fasting, some people buy food like farali chivda, wafers, but instead of these foods, we can also make Sabudane Vade or Vade made from Sago at home which is a very delicious and nutritious fasting food, which tastes great and the addition of boiled potato and crushed roasted peanuts enhances the taste of this dish. Apart from this, if you eat this food on a fasting day, it also reduces your appetite. Sabudane Vade which is very famous in Kokan and in Maharashtra is made from sago and eating sago also has many benefits, sago is high in starchy content but it is very low in fat content, so we can include sago in our diet. Sago is easy to digest, thus helps in improving digestion. The very important benefit of sago is that the amount of heat in the body increases more on a fasting day, so eating sago on a fasting day helps in reducing body heat. We can prepare and eat foods made from sago that have such beneficial benefits and are good for fasting. 

Speciality :

The main speciality of dish Sabudane Vade or Vade made from Sago is the nutty taste that comes from frying in oil, the crispness of the food and the delicious taste of the food. Sabudane Vade are nice and crunchy when hot, so they are more fun to eat when they are hot. The use of green chillies in sabudana vade makes the taste of the vade somewhat spicy, while sabudane vade can be enjoyed with lassi, sweet curd or just yogurt as per preference. Sago vade can be made in two ways one is for fasting and second is as a hot treat for breakfast. In the Kokan region, cilantro is not added when making sago vade specially for fasting, as cilantro is not eaten on fasting days in Kokan. Also, while making sago vade as hot treat for breakfast on other days, cilantro can be added to it as required.

Ingredients :

1) Oil
2) Ghee
3) Ten To Twelve Curry Leaves
4) Cumin Seeds
5) Four To Five Finely Chopped Green Chillies
6) Salt
7) Sugar
8) Four To Five Boiled Potatoes
9) Half A Bowl Of Crushed Roasted Peanut
10) Two Bowls Of Sago
11) Half A Bowl Of Arrowroot Flour

Procedure :

1) Soaked sago are required for making Sabudane Vade or Vade Made From Sago, so soak two bowls of Sabudana in a large vessel of water the night before the day you want to make Sabudane Vade. To soak sago, take a big vessel, add two bowls of sago in it and add enough water to half an inch above the sago and cover the vessel with a plate.
2) In the morning, if you remove the plate from the vessel, you will see that the water in it has gone because the sago have absorbed the water and due to this, the sago will have increased in size and become puffy.
3) After soaking the sago in this way, add half a bowl of crushed roasted peanut, two teaspoons of sugar and salt to taste. Then combine all this mixture with the help of a fork spoon. Using a fork to combine the mixture prevents the soaked sago from crunching and the sago becomes loose immediately.
4) After that to make Sabudane Vade or Vade Made From Sago it is necessary to make khichadi of this mixture, for that we have to give bursting to this mixture first turn on the gas to give bursting to this mixture and keep the gas on medium flame and keep a big vessel on it. Add two teaspoons of ghee to it, when the ghee becomes hot and melt properly, then the ghee will give a pleasant aroma. Then turn the gas to low flame and add one spoon of cumin seeds, ten to twelve curry leaves, four to five finely chopped green chillies. Fry all these ingredients well in ghee, when the green chillies turn red in color then add this sago mixture in the vessel on the gas and saute well so that all the bursting will get properly mix with this sago mixture and then cover the vessel with a plate and keep this sago mixture to cook on steam for 5 to 10 minutes on a low flame. (Finely chopped cilantro can also be added while making sago khichadi, but in Kokan Sabudane Vade or Vade Made From Sago is specially prepared on fasting days and as cilantro is not eaten during fasting, cilantro is not used in this food, if you wish you can use cilantro in this dish to enhance the taste of the food as per your requirement. )
5) After five to ten minutes, very carefully lift the plate from the vessel with the help of a napkin and keep it aside, it will give a wonderful aroma of Sabudanyachi Khichadi or Sago Khichadi. Then turn off the gas.
6) Once the Sabudanyachi Khichadi or Sago Khichadi gets ready, take a large platter, grate four to five boiled potatoes in it with the help of a grater, then add this Sabudanyachi Khichadi or Sago Khichadi, two spoons of arrowroot flour and add a little salt to this for taste to potatoes. Using arrowroot flour will make the sabudana vada well, and it will not break when fried in oil.
7) Now mix all this mixture properly. Then apply a little oil on your hands to make round flat balls of this mixture, so that the mixture does not stick to your hands while making balls. Then make as many as possible medium size round and flat sabudane vade out of this mixture as you can make.
8) After making Sabudane Vade of the mixture, turn on the gas to fry these vade in oil. Place a large cauldron on it and add as much oil as required to fry the Sabudane Vade in this cauldron.
9) Heat the oil in a cauldron over medium flame. When the oil is well heated, turn the gas to low flame and then very carefully fry the Sabudane Vade into the oil. Take special care that oil does not spill on the body when frying Sabudane Vade or Sago Vade in oil. Deep fry all these Sabudane Vade in oil on low flame (If Sabudane Vade is fried on medium flame or on high flame, there is a high possibility of it getting scorched. ) until they turn reddish brown in color.
10) When the Sabudane Vade or Sago Vade are well fried and after gets reddish brown in color, then drain the oil from the Sabudane Vade with the help of a sieve and remove to a plate. Thus hot, delicious and crispy fasting Sabudane Vade or Sago Vade will be ready to be eaten with chilled lassi or sweet curd as per your choice.

Taste :

Slightly Sweet Due To Sugar But Slightly Spicy Due To Green Chillies, Tasty, Delicious, Palatable And Crunchy