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Masoorchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal - Hot Dal Made From Lentil Pulse (masoor dal, masoor dal recipe, masoor dal in english, masoor dal benefits, masoor dal nutrition, masoor dal protein, masoor dal tadka, masoor dal recipes, Why is masoor dal not healthy?, What is called masoor dal in English?, Is masoor dal same as lentils, Is Toor Dal and masoor dal same?, tikhat dal, tikhat dal recipe, tikhat dal recipe in marathi, malvani tikhat dal recipe, lentil dal, lentil dal recipe)

Masoorchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal

Masoorchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal - Hot Dal Made From Lentil Pulse (masoor dal, masoor dal recipe, masoor dal in english, masoor dal benefits, masoor dal nutrition, masoor dal protein, masoor dal tadka, masoor dal recipes, Why is masoor dal not healthy?, What is called masoor dal in English?, Is masoor dal same as lentils, Is Toor Dal and masoor dal same?, tikhat dal, tikhat dal recipe, tikhat dal recipe in marathi, malvani tikhat dal recipe, lentil dal, lentil dal recipe)
Masoorchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal

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मसूरच्या डाळीपासून बनवलेली तिखट डाळ या पदार्थावरील ब्लॉग मराठीमध्ये वाचा

Information About Dish :

Masoorchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal (Hot Dal Made From Lentil Pulse) tastes sour and spicy. This dal is very nutritious and tasty and tastes good with hot rice and chapati. To make Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulse spicy, instead of green chillies in kokan region, we use spice and hot spice. The use of spice and hot spice gives a very good color to Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulse and enhances the taste of the dal. In Kokan region, Turichi Godi Dal, Turichi Tikhat Dal is made to be eaten with hot rice at home meals and another alternative to Turichi Godi Dal, Turichi Tikhat Dal is Masurchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal or Hot Dal Made From Lentil Pulse because dal made from Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulse is very tasty. In Kokan region, Masoorchy Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal is specially made to be eaten with hot rice, chapati and bhakari, so Masoorchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal or Hot Dal Made From Lentil Pulse is very popular in Kokan region.         

Speciality :

Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulses are not widely used in meals, but the specialty of Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulse is that lentil pulses have many medicinal benefits. Masoorchi dal contain a lot of nutrients, which are very beneficial for a balanced diet. Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulses are high in fiber and protein which helps in weight gain. Proper consumption of Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulses helps in lowering cholesterol in the body and helps in keeping heart healthy. Fiber in lentil pulses helps in preventing constipation. Eating Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulses can also reduce the risk of stomach, throat, liver, breast and other types of cancer. Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulses contain minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus which help in strengthening teeth and bones. Lal Rangachi Masoorchi Dal or Red Lentil Pulses are very useful for preventing brain related problems. The proteins and antioxidants in Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulse help to prevent hair loss by strengthening the hair from the roots. It is very important to include Masoorchi Dal or Lentil Pulse in the diet because of the many useful properties of lentils. Adding tomatoes to the hot dal made from Lentil pulse reduces the bitterness of the pulses and gives a mild sourness, but in the Konkan region, the right amount of kokum is added to enhance the sour taste of pulses. The specialty of Konkan is the use of Kokum for sour taste in food. Adding kokum to the dal makes the dal more palatable and delicious. Most of the people love to eat hot and acrid food with spicy and sour taste, so the famous dish of Kokan region that is Masoorchya Dalipasun Banavleli Tikhat Dal or Hot Dal Made From Lentil Pulse can be the favorite dal of most people.

Ingredients :

1) Oil
2) Mustard Seeds
3) Seven To Eight Curry Leaves
4) Cumin Seeds
5) Five To Six Finely Chopped Garlic Cloves
6) Finely Chopped Half Piece Of Ginger
7) Asafoetida
8) Turmeric
9) Spice
10) Hot Spice
11) Two Finely Chopped Onions
12) Two Finely Chopped Tomatoes
13) Kokum
14) Salt
15) Two Bowls Of Masoorchi Dal (Lentil Pulse)
16) Water
17) Cilantro

Procedure :

1) To make Tikhat Dal from Masoorchi Dal or Hot Dal from Lentil Pulse, first wash two bowls of masoorchi dal or lentil pulse with water three to four times. Then take the washed masoorchi dal in a cooker, add two finely chopped tomatoes. Because of taking two bowls of masoorchi dal, add two and a half glass of water in the cooker to cook the dal. To remove the bitterness of dal, tomatoes are added to the pulses during cooking as the pulses are bitter in taste. Then cover the cooker, turn on the flame of a gas, put the cooker on it. Masoorchi dal or Lentil pulse do not take long to cook and within one whistle lentils will cook well in a cooker. If more whistles are took out from the cooker, then lentils will be cooked more and its thin dough will be formed, so just take out one whistle from the cooker to cook the masoorchi dal or lentil pulse.
2) After one whistling of the cooker turn off the gas and after 5 to 7 minutes, lift the whistle of the cooker with the help of a spoon, remove the vapour from it and open the lid of the cooker carefully.
3) In this way, after the masoorchi dal is cooked properly, turn on the flame of a gas and put a big vessel on it. Add seven to eight teaspoons of oil to the vessel. Once the oil is well heated, add half a teaspoon of mustard seeds. After frying mustard seeds in oil, slightly reduce the flame and add seven to eight curry leaves, half a teaspoon of cumin seeds and a pinch of asafoetida. As soon as the scent arrives of mustard seeds, curry leaves, cumin seeds and asafoetida from bursting, add five to six finely chopped garlic cloves and finely chopped half piece of ginger. Fry all the bursting properly.
4) Then add two finely chopped onions and fry the onion properly in oil till it turns red.
5) Once onion turns red in oil, add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Adding turmeric to masoorchi tikhat dal will gives them a beautiful flavor, taste of turmeric and a light yellow color. Then add two teaspoons of spice and half a teaspoon of hot spice. Immediately add half a cup of water so that the spice and hot spice do not get scorched. Adding a little water to the mixture will cause it to boil quickly.
6) Then add cooked masoorchi dal from the cooker in the vessel, then add salt to taste and add water to the dal as required so that the masoorchi dal does not become too thick and too thin. Stir the masoorchi tikhat dal accordingly, so that all the bursting and salt are well mixed in the dal. To reduce the bitterness of masoorchi tikhat dal, we add tomatoes in it, but add four to five kokum to reduce the bitterness of masoorchi tikhat dal to make the pulse little bit sour, so that the taste of the masoorchi tikhat dal will be more delicious. The use of spice and hot spice instead of green chillies in masoor dal gives the dal a spicy taste and makes the dal even more acrid.
7) After that increase the flame a little and put the spoon in inverted manner in the dal. (Note : By keeping the spoon in inverted manner in the dal, the dal will not overflow. ) when it boils Let the masoorchi tikhat dal simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. The aroma of masoorchi tikhat dal will waft and then dal will start to boil. Once the dal is well boiled, carefully remove the spoon with the help of handkerchief and turn off the gas and then add some finely chopped cilantro on it.
8) According to this, spicy and nutritious hot masoorchi dal will be ready to eat with soft and luscious rice.

Taste :

Slightly Sour Due To Kokum But Acrid And Delicious Due To Spices