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Batatyanche Masaledar Kaap - Spicy Slices Made From Potato Vegetable (batatyache kaap, batatyache fayde in marathi)

Batatyanche Masaledar Kaap

Batatyanche Masaledar Kaap - Spicy Slices Made From Potato Vegetable (batatyache kaap, batatyache fayde in marathi)
Batatyanche Masaledar Kaap

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बटाट्यांचे मसालेदार काप या पदार्थावरील ब्लॉग मराठीमध्ये वाचा

Information About Dish :

Batatyanche Masaledar Kaap (Spicy Slices Made From Potato Vegetable) is a well-known dish in the Konkan region and this dish have an excellent taste and the method of preparation of this dish is equally simple and straightforward. Other than that, you don't need much ingredients to make spicy slices of potatoes. Spicy potato slices can be easily made by using the right amount of turmeric, spice, salt which are available in the house and included in the daily meal. Spicy Slices Made From Potato Vegetable is a favourite dish of most of the people and this dish made with bhakari made from rice flour with great interest. Spicy Slices Made From Potato Vegetable is a favourite dish of most of the people in Kokan region and this dish made with bhakari made from rice flour with great interest. This dish is a special favorite of all people in Konkan.

Speciality :

The main speciality of the dish Batatyanche Masaledar Kaap or Spicy Slices Made From Potato Vegetable is that it can be made for breakfast with chapati or bhakari. If there is no other vegetable available to make breakfast with bhakari or chapati at home and you want to make a very tasty dish in a very short time, then we can make a Spicy slices made from potato vegetable. Spicy slices made from potato vegetable taste very delicious to eat with rice and dal. Another characteristic of this dish is that these spicy slices of potato are made by roasted on pan, so it tastes very tremendous. Adding salt, turmeric and spice to the potato slices and baked them in oil on a pan makes the spicy slices of potato more palatable. Potato slices turns yellowish due to turmeric and reddish due to spice and that makes the potato slices look even better.

Ingredients :

1) Oil
2) Five To Six Potatoes
3) Turmeric
4) Spice
5) Salt

Procedure :

1) To make Batatyanche Masaledar Kaap or Spicy Slices Made From Potato Vegetable, first wash five to six potatoes with water, so that the soil on the skin of the potatoes will wash away. After washing potatoes cleanly, peel the skin of potatoes and cut the potatoes in round slices with the help of a knife in a large plate. 
2) Then take a large pot and soak all the potato slices in a large pot with water for five to seven minutes. Soaking the potato slices in water will not make the potato slices reddish in color and also remove the excess starch from the potato slices.
3) After five to seven minutes, remove the water from the soaked potato slices. Then add half a teaspoon of turmeric, one teaspoon of spice and salt to taste in it. Mix all these ingredients properly so that the ingredients will be right everywhere to the potato slices.
4) Once the potatoes are properly mixed with turmeric, spice and salt, it becomes very easy to make spicy slices of potatoes.
5) Then turn on the gas and place a pan on it. Heat the pan over a medium flame. Once the pan is well heated, keep the gas to a low flame and then add seven to eight teaspoons of oil and place all the potato slices on the entire pan. Then keep the gas over a medium flame and roast all the potato slices till it turns reddish and brown on one side. When the oil on the pan runs out, add another teaspoon of oil as required to roast the potato slices on the pan. Carefully turn the slices with the help of a spoon and then roast these slices on the other side. To make sure that the potato slices are properly roasted or not, insert the fork spoon into the slices vertically. If the fork spoon goes in and feels potatoes are soft, we can sure the potato slices are properly roasted.
6) When the potato slices turn reddish and brown, remove them to a plate with the help of a spoon. In this way, roast the remaining potato slices both sides on the pan.
7) In this way, delicious, excellent, tasteful and spicy potato slices roasted in oil on the pan will be ready to eat with hot bhakari made from rice flour.

Taste :

Yummy, Delicious, Spicy And Sumptuous